How to get your ex girlfriend back (for men and boys)

Greetings, my name is Mike and I am writing this article to help those who have been dumped by their girlfriend. It’s one of the hardest things life can throw at you. You should feel shocked, surprised, angry, but definitely upset. This is natural, especially if you and she have been through a lot. The advice I’m going to give you will help you get over your girlfriend, get yourself back, and win her back 😉 I’ll present it in steps, with a mini-headline for each one, and then a paragraph explaining what to do. more details. My advice will be basically the complete opposite of what you want to do. Think what you want to do is push her away, I am telling you what you need to do to bring her back 🙂


Let’s start:)

1) Accept the break: yes, it is necessary. If your girlfriend says the words ‘let’s just be friends’, of course your mind is thinking differently, what you should reply is ‘yes, I totally agree’. This is definitely going to be HARD. But it is a vital step to recover it. If she has been begging behind her back, see step 2.

2) Break off most contact with her – stop texting and calling! Do you wonder why you don’t answer? She needs to be away from you for a while. This is related to steps 3 and 4, but stop texting and calling her. The more you are in her face, the more you push her away from her.

3) Space and Time – This is probably the most effective. If he’s been begging for her back, he’s been pushing her away. In her eyes, she has left you because she has seen you 24/7. When you beg behind her back, she just sees a clingy desperate boy. She wants to see a boy who can live alone. She backs off, give her space to live her life and make her realize that she needs you.

4) Live your life – Go out with friends, have fun 🙂 You may be thinking that I am talking trash and that it is impossible with this kind of situation. But 2 days after the love of my life left me, I went to Alton Towers with my boys. I had a good day. I know it won’t cure you completely, but my God, it will help you. Spend as much time as you can with your friends, laugh again, and forget about the breakup for now.

5) Get your image back: all this depression will make you sick. I became anorexic when they dumped me! What you need to do now is to get your image back, make yourself look irresistible to the ladies. Think about what your ex will think when you’re having a great time with your friends and there’s a queue of single women for you 😉 This step means: Getting new clothes that YOU like. Get rid of blemishes on the face, etc. Make yourself look and feel great.

6) Confidence: EVERY girl loves a confident man. If you think you look cool, you probably are 🙂 Girls like an alpha male (a guy who is confident, eg being the main subject at a party or being a guy surrounded by friends). He goes out and meets new people, especially girls. This will help you get over it.

7) Get over her completely. If you haven’t gotten over it after a few weeks, you need to start forcing yourself to let it go. She thinks to yourself, ‘is she REALLY worth my time? Do I really want her back?’ Don’t waste time with someone who isn’t worth it. Do you still have photos, articles or texts of her? Put them in a box, delete them. Put the box somewhere you’ll find it when you’re older and cleaning house. The more you forget about her now, the safer you’ll be when you see her again.

8) Understand her situation: For example, if she left you because of an argument, she’s likely to get back with you if you follow these steps. Find the reason why she left you. If it was a bad argument, then give it some time. If it was one of your personal qualities, like your hair (I know it’s stupid, but that was an example), then improve it. Work on your weaknesses and build.


9) Jealousy: It’s not the best way to get an ex back, but it can be done. The best way to make her jealous would be to flirt. Don’t instantly date a new girlfriend, because she’ll see right through you and she’ll decide to forget you completely. What you want to do is take a more subtle approach. Flirt with some girls lightly, if there’s a queue of girls for you, talk to them a bit if you like them. Don’t be shy, you never know; this step can work for you in two ways. 1, a jealous ex returns OR 2, you find another better girl. 🙂

Don’t worry if you don’t get it back instantly, but seriously, what can’t you get from anyone else? If you can’t answer that, you’re fighting for nothing.

This is the best I can give 🙂 don’t forget, if your ex says to his partner, ‘yeah, it was good, but I don’t think we’ll ever date again’, don’t worry, girls do. He’s not all bad and he knows what they’re saying. Deep down, they might miss you terribly, but his head says keep going. Girls follow their hearts. Typically, your heart would say after a breakup, “I miss him” (unless you’ve been clingy and unattractive), while your head would say, “Move on.” Make him definitely follow her heart. My ex, for example, still looks at me, and every time I look, she turns around. Girls are VERY complicated organisms, they don’t even understand themselves, so make sure you have a flawless plan before you start thinking about her again.


In time, get better, someone will come. It may be the same person, but sometimes it’s better to move on.

Thank you and good luck 🙂

About the author

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