I’m jealous of my ex girlfriend’s new boyfriend! How to get rid of those feelings now

You are jealous of him. He is the new guy in your ex girlfriend’s life. You’ve been dreading this moment, haven’t you? Waiting for the day I would find someone to replace you. Now you’re stuck with an endless feeling of jealousy as she seems unapologetic. How did this happen to you? How did you go from being her partner to dreading the idea of ​​her with this new man? You need to realize right now that this is much more about you than it is about your ex or her current boyfriend. It is your fault that you are experiencing this, so it is up to you to change it and the sooner the better.

Jealousy is truly an ugly emotion. Most of us believe that it comes from a place of deep love and devotion. After all, you feel jealous because you don’t want your ex to be with this new guy, right? You love her so much that the idea of ​​another man making her happy drives you crazy inside. To the uninformed eye, that looks like something out of a romantic fairy tale. The story about the spurned lover who can’t bear to let his wife be with another man, so in his jealous rage he drives away the new man in his life and the maiden falls into the arms of her ex-lover because she finally realizes how deep is his devotion. careers. It sounds great as a narrative, but in reality it just doesn’t work that way. Jealousy actually makes a person seem petty and insecure. Is this how you want your ex-girlfriend to see you?

You can’t keep walking around with this veil of jealousy over your head. The fact of the matter is that he has gone ahead and chosen someone new. Acceptance is your best friend at this point. You need to let go of the idea that you can scold him or make her look insignificant in her eyes in order for her to want you back. That will not work. It will only help you look pathetic, desperate, and threatened by the new guy.

There is so much power in kindness and support. My best advice to you is to call or text your ex girlfriend and tell her that you’ve heard she’s dating someone new. This can turn her off because she will anticipate a verbal attack from her new boyfriend coming from you on the not too distant horizon. Show him that you are much better than that. Tell her that you are very happy for her and that you have only heard great things about him. She may have to grit her teeth as she forms the words and allows them to roll off her tongue, but do it. The instant you say it, you will feel an emotional release. You will feel empowered by your actions.

By being the bigger man in this triangle equation, you will impress your ex girlfriend much more than if you had told her that her new guy wasn’t right for her. You are actually telling her that you want the best for her. Every woman wants to hear that from an ex. She shows how compassionate, mature, and emotionally evolved he is. By letting her go and doing so with dignity and consideration, you will keep a place in her heart forever. You will always be the ex-boyfriend who acted like a true selfless gentleman.

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