Importance of Surveillance Technology in Schools

The school is one of the densely populated establishments in the community. Full of young people, it is a place where energy emanates and where minds are sometimes full of curiosity and ideas. Youngsters often seek adventure, especially in schools where pranks are often part of the students’ agenda for the day. For some, they play pranks for fun, but still, it’s probably not fun for the victim. Sometimes student pranks also include vandalism or destruction of school property. It becomes an issue on the part of the administration as these dirty jokes will continue unless they find a way that is the best deterrent. Finding out the perpetrator or prankster can sometimes be successful, especially when there is a witness to the action. However, in some cases, they remain undiscovered. The school’s best solution for this is to make use of surveillance technology. This makes use of equipment that would record what is happening in a designated area targeted by the surveillance team. The equipment commonly used by public establishments is a CCTV (Closed Circuit TV). The following reasons give the importance of surveillance technology in school:

1. Correctly point out the exact authors of the prank, destruction or vandalism. This leads to a quicker and easier decision for disciplinary action for the people involved. False accusations or blaming the innocent are not justified in the presence of closed circuit television.

2. Serves as a deterrent to future misbehavior from naughty students: Those who are already aware of the surveillance team on campus will now have second thoughts about doing their deed. Prevention here is admirable as it decreases the security risk within the campus as well.

3. Positively support the school security guards- With this; security staff can focus more on looking at other top security threats on campus. This would reassure school administrators and give them their focus on student and teacher performance and benefits.

These factors on the importance of surveillance technology in schools are of prime importance within schools. It will also be advantageous for the community where the school is located. With closed circuit television, for example, young people will have something to remind them that there are things that society will not approve of or that some actions we take would not be beneficial to all concerned.

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