Make your penis bigger naturally in just one month

You know, many women have asked me why the hell a man would want to go to all the trouble he usually does to increase the size of his penis, and I’m generally under the impression that most women think that’s it. about boosting his ego.

To be honest, I tend to agree with them. Very few men have such a small penis that it affects their sex life. Unfortunately, however, many men believe that they are smaller than average due to all the misinformation they are subjected to in the media and in porn, and believe that all women want a huge penis in their bed.

In reality, however, numerous studies have shown that the average woman values ​​girth more than length. More recently, the British Urological Association found that men and women appreciate girth rather than length of the penis, and an incredible 55% of men would like a larger penis. Who said women were the unsafe sex?

Still, as individuals, all men have the right to increase the size of their penises, even if it’s just to feel better about themselves. Life is short, after all, and if you’re not comfortable with the size of your penis and you can do something about it naturally and effectively, why not?

I myself am guilty of wanting a bigger member just because I think it would make me feel better between the sheets and in everyday life. I don’t know why I feel this way, or where it’s coming from, but I do know that when I started seriously looking for ways to make it happen, I didn’t have a “real” need in a medical sense… I wanted it. Way.

Regardless of your reasons, the best approach is to enlarge your penis naturally – it dramatically reduces your risk of injury or illness and doesn’t involve high costs, recovery times, or lengthy processes.

But what do I mean by enlarging your penis? naturally?

Well, natural penis enlargement does not involve surgery, doctor’s appointments, pharmaceutical intervention or consultations with specialists. For starters, any type of penile surgery is something to be avoided at all costs. Not only is it extremely expensive, but the results are often disappointing at best. There is also a very real risk of being left with a damaged or misshapen penis, or an inability to achieve a proper erection, due to the fact that most surgical penis enlargements work by severing the ligaments that connect the shaft of the penis to the penis. rest of the body. Doesn’t sound good, does it?

Penis pumps have been around for many decades, so it’s mind-boggling to think that men are still buying these pumps in the hope that they can increase the size of their penis. Surely by now men have realized that they don’t work on the size of their manhood, but on how hard it gets. Pump your penis for as long as you want, of course, and enjoy the enlarged erection while it lasts, because unfortunately, once the fun is over and your penis is flaccid, it will go back to the same size as ever.

Sure, penis extenders can work, as long as you get a good quality device, but they’re often terribly expensive. These traction systems work by holding the penis in a prolonged stretch, taking the muscles out of their usual range of motion and causing cells to divide and multiply in the new area.

But for me, there’s something a little exasperating about walking every day with your penis in a traction device. There is also a very real risk of injury, because many men will be tempted to speed up the process by pulling on their penis too far or leaving it on longer than guidelines suggest. Doing this can quickly result in too much stress being placed on the penis, causing irreparable damage and a bigger problem than it was in the first place…

Of course, when you enlarge your penis naturally, there are no risks whatsoever, which is essentially why I chose to go the natural route.

So how did I do it?

By researching many different exercises targeting the only muscle involved in the penis: the tunica albuginea. Many of the exercises I found online didn’t have the science behind them, and the health professionals I checked with didn’t recommend taking the risk.

But some specific exercises worked, and with just a few minutes a day, I saw results in three to four weeks.

One of the best moves I came across was the good old jelqing technique, in which the penis is effectively “milked” into a semi-erect state, which increases blood flow to stretch the muscles of the tunica and stimulate the growth of new muscles.

To try it out, start by massaging yourself to an 80% erection and lubricate the entire area, then hold the base of his penis with one hand (I use my index finger and thumb in a circle around the shaft, near my testicles) . With your other hand, simply push the blood from the base of the penis towards the tip, so that it bulges out slightly. Stop when your “milking” hand reaches the head of the penis and repeat the process up to 15 times a day.

Keep it slow and steady, and stop if you ever feel pain or irritation while doing the exercise. After a good jelqing session, your penis should hang lower than before and will probably be full of bulging veins. This is a sign that you have had a good workout and the penis will return to normal within a few minutes.

For me, I started seeing permanent results of about a half inch after doing this exercise every day for four weeks, but you’ll see more dramatic results if you combine it with other specific advanced stretching and lengthening techniques.

It does not require hours of your time each day. It doesn’t take six months or more. It does not require complicated devices, pumps or pulleys. And it never means that you should do anything that will hurt or irritate your penis.

In fact, if you have two hands, some lube, and five minutes a day, you can naturally enlarge your penis. It really was that easy for me, and it can be for other men too: all you have to do is respect yourself, respect your penis, and have the courage to take control of what you really want, no matter what your goals are. own reasons. .

I loved my penis when it was only five inches long, but now I love it even more. Sure, I only gained an inch and a half in a month, but that’s 1.5 inches more than I had before, my penis is stronger and feels better than ever, it’s all natural and more than enough for me.

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