Steps to start your own podcast

You may have listened to a podcast or two or you may have just heard of podcasts, but how do you start podcasting yourself? Especially if you are a Christian or interested in starting a Christian podcast? Podcasting isn’t the hardest thing to do, but it can be challenging to become a successful podcaster. Many people, when they start a podcast, want to be so general that anyone wants to listen. But that doesn’t really appeal to anyone!

It takes a lot of time and hard work to start, run, and have a successful podcast. But for those who have a successful podcast, they are targeting a very specific audience.

Find out what your podcast is about

Before you start recording, you have to figure out what you want to talk about. What do you want your podcast to accomplish? It should be something relatively specific, but most importantly, it should be something you’re passionate about.

Plan your podcast schedule

To be successful at podcasting, you will need to constantly upload new episodes. You can’t develop a loyal audience if they don’t know when your next show is coming out.

My recommendation is to start slow. Maybe once a week or twice a week at the most. It will take you some time to start. You are learning new things and that will take much longer than you think.

After a month or two you will have a down system and find that everything is moving much faster for you. You can expand your production schedule from twice a week to three or even five days a week. But don’t jump into that from the start.

Record it!

Now that you have an idea of ​​what you want to talk about and have a strict schedule, it’s time for the most important part: RECORD IT!

Some people don’t like to hit the record button! You’ve done all the planning and preparation, just push the button! Press record. Hitting record on your machine is one of the hardest things you can do.

But once you get past that “I should do this” mental barrier, podcasting becomes easy and enjoyable! If you’re a pastor or speaker, you probably remember the first time you gave a sermon or stood up to speak in front of people. You’ll feel the same the first few times you hit “record” for your podcast.

The more episodes you record, the easier (and better) it gets.

Required equipment

You don’t need to have a fancy podcast setup. I know a lot of “gurus” will tell you to “buy this mic” and give you recommendations (and sometimes links, affiliate links) to buy the “recommended” gear. They will usually emphasize how good it will make you sound, etc, etc.


You probably have all the required equipment you need, right now, to get started. Most computers have a recording device pre-installed. Most have a camera (especially modern laptops). If not, a camera that mounts to your monitor is cheap enough on Amazon. You can also use your smartphone. While it won’t be the best audio, it will serve you well as you find your way around and get going.

Editing your episodes

Now that you’ve finished recording your podcast episode, you need to edit the file. There may be minor editing to remove an awkward silence (such as when you were looking up a particular Bible reference). You may want to add an “intro” and “end” to your finished product. If that’s the case, you can hire a voice talent to create one for you.

I have used “” to find broadcasters for years. I have some favorite people that I work with for very particular things. You can use “Fiverr” or you can have someone you know who has a great voice to help you.

None of this is necessary to get started. These are things we can review to improve your podcast in the future. But you don’t need them to start.

You can use Audacity (PC) or GarageBand (Mac) to make minor edits, add intros or endings, and then save your finished podcast episode file.

Upload your episode to your podcast host

Once you have your final episode file ready to upload, follow your particular hosting provider’s policies and procedures for uploading it to their platform.

You will need a photo or a logo. You must create show notes for each episode (simply a brief summary of what is covered in that particular episode).

Once it is uploaded, you will be provided with a link from your provider. When you share this link (either on your website or on social media), anyone who clicks on the link will be taken directly to that episode.

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