The Hungarian Vizsla – The Hunter

The Hungarian Vizsla is the national dog of Hungary. It is known that the Hungarian Vizsla first appeared in Central Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries. This breed is considered a hunting dog and has been used for flushing and locating birds for hunters. This breed has a short coat and could therefore be used where climates were consistently warmer in southern Hungary.

The Vizsla generally measures between twenty-one and twenty-four inches at the shoulder and can weigh between forty-five and sixty pounds. Its coat sheds regularly, requiring regular brushing to maintain its health, but is otherwise low-maintenance and easy to care for due to its short length. Vizsla’s coat color is considered a rich rust. As it has no undercoat, this breed is not recommended to be kept outdoors so that it is not susceptible to cold. For this reason, this breed should also not be kept in a kennel for a long time. Another advantage of not having an undercoat is that they are considered to be less likely to cause allergies than other breeds in people susceptible to allergies to dog hair. Surprisingly, they are also self-cleaning dogs that need baths only five or six times a year, so they do not have what humans often call “doggy odor.” This breed likes to be physically close to its owner as much as possible, so even those who are generally averse to keeping dogs as pets may consider getting a Vizsla due to its cleanliness.

This breed is naturally very active, as well as cheerful and playful. This makes them an excellent family pet. They are loyal and loving, despite their high energy level and are often called “Velcro” due to their devotion, loyalty and affection towards their owner. They are very close to their owners. This breed does not bark much and tends to be calmer unless provoked. They are also a very alert, attentive and ready to hunt animal. His personality is said to be a mix of the spaniel and the pointer. Because this breed is stubborn and sensitive, training can be challenging. The owner needs to find the balance between firmness and not being harsh, or the sensitivity of this breed will drive him away and it will be impossible to train. In addition to that personality challenge, this breed is also easily distracted by any scent and can easily ignore any command or training if it detects a scent that it thinks is worth following or looking for. You need to socialize early in your training as you can be very shy and almost shy around anyone you don’t know.

Some of this breed may have a tendency to be difficult to tame and may be wet submissive. Again, it is important to teach him to go to the bathroom firmly, but not harshly. It is important to remember that they are still learning and most likely nothing like this will be done out of stubbornness or spite. The Vizsla has a tendency toward mindless hyperactivity and early obedience training will help overcome this trait. Otherwise you will be overly energetic and possibly destructive because you don’t know what to do with your energy. As with any breed that has a strong sense of smell, the command “Come” is especially important to train them early on, and may possibly be the most difficult command for them to learn. Training should be firm but never harsh, due to your sensitive but stubborn nature. Daily exercise is mandatory.

It is recommended that this breed be fed one and a half to two and a half cans of high quality meaty product with added biscuit in equal quantity or five cups of a complete, dry dog ​​food.

A house with a fenced yard is a must for the Vizsla to release some of its energy.

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