The power you have to heal your body

What I am about to say will not sit well with those who rely heavily on traditional medicine, pharmaceutical drugs and outside authorities to manage their health. It will not sit well with those who prefer someone else to “fix” them.

here it is: you they can heal yourself.

Behind this statement there is actually a truth: when you accumulate too many negative thoughts or feelings, eventually you get sick in your body.

And behind that statement is a method: release those negative thoughts and feelings, so that the positive ones control your health, naturally.

In other words, positive thoughts and feelings become healthy and negative thoughts and feelings become unhealthy. Now, if you have led a spiritual life or have a spiritual education, this will not seem strange to you at all, this is simply the Law of Attraction, is it not? However, for those of us who have not been educated about the power of a thought or feeling, this can definitely seem simplistic, strange, and even wrong.

Science has confirmed it! It is possible, even true, that thoughts and feelings affect the health and well-being of the body.

The body is made of energy. It receives and transmits energy all the time.

Feelings and thoughts are also nothing more than energy. There are only 2 types of energy: trapped energy and free-flowing energy. In its receiving mode, the body can absorb and trap energy. But here’s the rub: all energy would prefer the free-flow state!

Fears, doubts, anger, reproaches and guilt? We call them feelings, but they are forms of energy! Grumbling about this or happily remembering that? We call them thoughts, but that doesn’t change the fact that all thoughts are also energy!

And here, in our story about the body and energy, the ego comes in. The ego far prefers to collect negative thoughts and feelings and use them against us in the future. The ego far prefers to collect and then distort positive thoughts and feelings, and use them against us in the future as well. Where do you store these feelings and thoughts? In the subconscious. The subconscious is a place we never look at, so the ego feels quite secure in controlling what it has.

In the end, this means that the ego is controlling us automatically, based on everything it stores in the subconscious. Those thoughts and feelings stored in the past are wreaking havoc on our physical, emotional, and mental peace, balance, and harmony.

How to heal yourself?

What we just talked about is good news for you and your health! You can get rid of the vast majority, all of them! – of your health problems!

How to heal yourself? All you need to do is remove the excess thoughts and feelings, both negative and positive, that you have accumulated. These excess thoughts and feelings are interfering with the natural and healthy functions of your body. Get rid of interference; return to natural health.

I agree that you need a practical methodology to systematically get rid of this emotional interference that we have been discussing.

Change the nature of your thoughts; examine the quality of your feelings about your body, your life, and your world. It’s simple introspection but one that can have dramatic positive effects on your body and your health and well-being.

What is the quality of your thinking? How many of your feelings are negative?

A method and tens of thousands of people have shown, over the last 4 decades, that anyone can restore the health and well-being of the entire body by eliminating negative thoughts and feelings from the mind. Once those negativities are removed from the mind, they stop interfering with the body’s natural tendency to be healthy and well.

What have these people done? They have learned to heal themselves through a simple, mental, self-directed methodology that releases stored thoughts and feelings that are wreaking havoc on their health and well-being.

Releasing the ego (yes, we literally mean “letting go”) is a practical way to eliminate negative thoughts and judgments you may have about how your body works or doesn’t work. It’s a simple way to immediately and permanently let go of negative feelings that actually get stuck in your body and interfere with your health.

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