The shocking truth: can you pull off a wart on your own?

I realize how devastating it can be to have a big, ugly wart on your finger that can be easily seen by the public. I know you have tried countless ways to get rid of this nasty wart. Imagine how nice it would be to never have to worry about shaking someone’s hand again and having them realize you have a wart on your hand or finger. I’ll explain to you why you should be careful just pulling on the wart and that there is a way to do it correctly.

Do you know someone who has pulled their wart off only to have it grow back even more?

If you resort to simply cutting off the wart, 99.9% of the time the wart is still there because the virus is still embedded in the skin.

So how do you get rid of him completely after you’ve scammed him?

You will have to remove the virus that is still on the skin. If you look where the wart was, you will notice that there are small black dots embedded in the skin in the area. These strange spots are actually filled with the wart virus that is causing the wart to grow back over and over again.

What you have to do is use sterilized tweezers to remove the small blackheads to completely eliminate the possibility of the wart reappearing in the future. Be sure to wash the tweezers well after use to remove the virus.

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