Top tips for aligning SEO with a web design project

Determine the origin of the traffic.

Driving valuable traffic to a website is not that simple and it does not happen on its own. It is critical that business owners know the keywords and topic that are relevant to their products and / or services, as well as the most popular search terms.

Keyword research enables them to understand where traffic could be coming from and therefore help them create a strategy that is more likely to be successful.

Use this research to organize your web content.

They should consider the keywords and topics highlighted in their search when planning their website layout and use them as a guide in choosing the pages to be featured on the domain.

The navigation, accessibility, page hierarchy and folder structure of the site can be improved to succeed in ranking high in search engines. Following these steps when creating a website will try to increase your opportunity opportunities.

Additionally, user experience teams can use search insights to create seamless UX experiences across the site. In recent years, SEOs have observed that organic visibility has been increasingly linked to healthy user experience signals.

Perform a pre-launch obstacle analysis.

When developing a new website, it is critical to consider repetitive technical SEO analysis.

Search engine indexing will be based on unhindered web code and scripts. Although websites may appear clear from a users point of view based on the way they are coded, it can be difficult to crawl them from a search engine perspective, which can result in poor performance in organic SERPs.

By conducting a pre-launch obstacle analysis, SEOs can cooperate with development teams prior to a website launch, to ensure that problems are corrected in a staging environment. This means that new websites have everything they need to function efficiently when launched and this also avoids costly repairs later on.

Reduce risks while there is still time.

When re-launching a website rather than building it from scratch, it is important to take the correct steps to maintain historical SEO visibility before hitting the ‘go live’ button. In the long run, search engines develop a historical element and trust the old pages of a website.

In the event that these trusted pages are renamed or modified in the site redesign process, search engines may have a difficult time understanding these changes and determining the correlation of the new pages to the old pages. Typically this will cause a decrease in organic traffic and visibility, affecting site performance and, in certain cases, business revenue.

When the SEO team is involved in the build and redesign process, they will consider you earlier in the process and make sure to take the required steps, including 301 redirect mapping, submitting new XML sitemaps, and Google Search notifications. Console made completely to avoid risks involved.

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