Your secret guide to sex

Sexual intercourse has been occurring on the planet since the first non-protozoan animal evolved. Even after several ages of evolution, sexual intercourse remains the only means of reproduction for higher organisms. There are various sophistications when it comes to sexual intercourse, and in the human being, the most highly evolved of all animal species, sexual intercourse takes on a completely different meaning.

It can be rightly said that the human being is the only organism that derives the full pleasure from sex and makes deliberate efforts to make the process much more satisfying. Most importantly, sexual intercourse is a much-needed device to strengthen the emotional bonds between spouses and make them truly believe that they are like two bodies with one soul. In the human being, sexual intercourse is an act that involves all five senses – sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch – and is a very elaborate process of mutual stimulation.

In the most basic sense, intercourse is the penetration of the male penis into the female vagina for sexual gratification. However, this definition is grossly incomplete, since the total sexual act is a much more complex process, which works on several levels. The process begins with physical attraction, which develops naturally in both men and women in their early puberty. It is then that they are intrigued by the changes in their own bodies, and they are also intrigued by the differences in the bodies of the opposite sex. Until this stage, both boys and girls do not feel much shame about their bodies, but after the pubertal realization, they would keep their bodies and the changes that occur in them as a personal secret.

From this attraction, infatuation with a particular person develops. Both boys and girls fall in love with various members of the opposite sex in their early days. This is a period of great discomfort, when the child is unable to give free rein to her feelings and, at the same time, does not fully understand what is happening. The first sexual experience can occur early or late, depending on the level of sexual attraction between the partners and the timing, among other factors. This is when the first intercourse can occur. In reality, this can be more of a distressing experience than a satisfying one for both the boy and the girl. But there is still an inexplicable longing for more of the same. As time goes by, both partners gain experience and that is when sex starts to be fun.

Speaking of the mechanics of intercourse, it all starts with arousal. The changes are seen quite easily in the male, with the erection of the penis. Even the nipples can become erect to a small extent. Nipple hardening looks much more prominent in women. In women, there is also lubrication of the vagina, indicating that it is receptive to the penis.

Foreplay follows, which can take various forms depending on the preference of the partners. Usual foreplay is done by stroking and caressing the bodies. Oral sex can be practiced by both partners (if a man stimulates the woman’s genitals, it is called cunnilingus; if a woman stimulates the man’s genitals, it is called fellatio). Oral sex is a precursor to actual penetrative sex.

When the man is fully aroused, he will insert his penis into the vagina. The penis then moves back and forth, with the impetus for the movement provided by the male or female. The sexual climax for the male is reached when he ejaculates his seminal flow. The woman finds his climax when she is fully aroused. This is felt by a characteristic tremor of her body; however, this cannot always be observed.

Sexual intercourse is the device by which reproduction takes place. The male ejaculate contains sperm, which is the male gamete. It unites with the female’s ovum to form the embryo. However, all sexual intercourse does not lead to pregnancy. A woman can get pregnant only on specific days of her menstrual period.

Another big problem with sexual intercourse is STDs or sexually transmitted diseases. A large number of dangerously contagious diseases are transmitted only through sexual contact. The most prominent among these diseases are syphilis and gonorrhea. There are hundreds of thousands of cases of syphilis and gonorrhea reported each year, even in developed countries. A greater scare than these diseases is that of an AIDS infection. Sexual intercourse is the main cause of AIDS transmission, even becoming an epidemic in certain populations of sexually active people.

Unprotected sex is the main reason for the transmission of these diseases. The risk of these can be greatly reduced by the correct use of condoms.

However, the biggest advice would be to avoid any type of illegal sexual contact. All branches of medicine strongly advocate monogamy, that is, remaining sexually faithful to one partner. Not only is it healthy, but your sex is the best gift you can give someone you love. It should not be wasted recklessly.

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