Soothe Arthritis Pain Through Nutrition

Arthritis is a painful condition in which one or more joints in the body become inflamed; typically worsens with age. With over a hundred different types of arthritis, the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While the different types have different causes, most of the time the body’s immune system starts attacking its own tissues, breaking them down.

Although there is no cure for arthritis, there are several common treatments that can help manage the condition and associated pain. These treatments include plenty of rest, physical therapy, medications, exercise, and sometimes surgery.

Nutrition can also help treat arthritis pain. Certain foods can help improve bread while others can make it worse. Understanding which foods to choose can make a difference in your body’s experience with arthritis.

Foods that help arthritis pain:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Once ingested, omega-3 fatty acids are converted into compounds that are much more potent than the original fatty acids themselves. One important type of compound, called resolvin, is effective in signaling the end of the inflammatory response. In arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, an overactive immune system causes the breakdown of body tissues. Resolving to flip the “power switch” to the off position. For best results, dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines, walnuts, walnut oil, flaxseed, and flaxseed oil, are preferred over supplements .

  • fiber: Eating adequate amounts of fiber appears to reduce a protein in the blood called C-reactive protein (CRP), an indicator of inflammation. When CRP levels in the blood are high, it is a strong indicator that something is causing an inflammatory response in the body. While high-fiber foods cannot be officially said to specifically treat arthritis, lowering CRP levels may be helpful.

  • Strawberries: These juicy red berries have the same effect on blood CRP levels as fiber. A study conducted at Harvard University found that women who ate 16 or more strawberries each week were 14% less likely to have elevated CRP levels compared to those who ate no strawberries.

  • cruciferous vegetables: Foods like broccoli or kale contain chemicals that can help decrease the inflammation seen in arthritis. As a result, symptoms associated with arthritis often lessen as well.

Foods that harm arthritis pain:

  • Omega-6 Fatty Acids: This type of fatty acid is prevalent in all kinds of snack foods, fried foods, and margarine-like spreads. Coincidentally, excessive consumption of processed snack foods has been linked to increased joint inflammation and obesity. Obesity and arthritis are also associated with each other because fat cells can produce cytokines, a type of protein that promotes inflammation.

  • Processed foods: Packaged foods are often high in sodium, oils, and sugars, none of which are good for managing arthritis. These ingredients encourage the progression of arthritis and do little to help.

  • Alcohol: Alcohol increases inflammation in the body and puts you at risk for a number of different health complications. It is best to avoid alcohol altogether or consume it in moderate amounts.

Hopefully this information can be of practical use to you or a loved one dealing with arthritis. If you find a food that causes an increase in your pain levels, consider eating less of that food to see if your experience improves. The goal of arthritis treatment is to prevent the condition from getting worse and to control painful symptoms. Eating healthy can do just that.

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