transformation is not a dirty word

What is it about change that scares people? Someone once said that change happens when the pain of staying the same overcomes the fear of change. But I would like to add that it is not necessary to wait for pain to change.

Proactivity is a beautiful word. It means taking positive action willingly and with joy and ease. Some choose the hard way, where ego and reactivity can roam free and uninhibited. This path has you living in a victim mentality. It’s where life just happens to you and you feel like you have no control or say in the matter. Being proactive, on the other hand, means making conscious decisions and taking responsibility for your life and experiences. For some, taking responsibility means blaming themselves. But that’s the ego at work again. Think of it this way, if your mind created what you are experiencing now, it can certainly create something else as well. It’s actually quite empowering to know that.

When I first started on a conscious and proactive path of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, there were times when I thought, “Am I losing my identity?” The reason I thought this was because I wasn’t sure if I was playing a role of what was expected of me in terms of “change” or if I was actually becoming someone else. I soon realized that being more aware of your spirituality actually allows your true self to shine through. It’s not always so much what you do, but how you do it. I realized that the biggest change was in the way I perceived things. I simply became aware of my thoughts, motives, emotions, and behavior.

Often an action can have different results depending on the consciousness behind it. For example, let’s say that both person A and person B set out to buy a car. Person A is motivated by thoughts that this car will make them like and accept them more; that will be the envy of all her friends. Person A thinks this car will make her happy and fulfilled. What could happen with person A is that, yes, she will buy the car, but the novelty will wear off and she will again feel empty inside. What she was looking for had nothing to do with the car.

Person B, on the other hand, knows that they are already complete and valuable as a person. He is already happy because he knows that happiness is a choice. He knows that while “things” can certainly encourage one’s happiness, without self-esteem, that happiness will be short-lived. He regards this car as an expression of the Divine Mind; a creation that involves many layers of passion and creativity. Person B is grateful and aware. He knows that the purchase of this car will not only benefit him, but it will also benefit others (ie the designer, manufacturer, dealer, retailer, economy, his passengers, etc.). He makes his decision with a level head.

Now if you noticed, the act of buying the car was the same. But the consciousness behind it was certainly different. The change made here did not compromise Person B’s identity, nor was he deprived of anything (spirituality does not mean giving up the material world, in any case it means having the best of both worlds. Being truly spiritually active means being fully fulfilled in all the forms). It just made him a more aware person, making decisions from a place of awareness and spirit, rather than reactivity and ego.

This is just one example of how change doesn’t have to be scary. It can benefit your life, and also the lives of everyone around you. Remember, you are only transforming your reactive ego nature. All the good that you can keep and develop. As you change for the better, so do your surroundings and your experiences. Transformation is not a dirty word. You will not compromise your identity in any way. It will only make you a stronger and more wounded individual.

So don’t be afraid to look inside. Don’t worry about the opinions of others or seeking approval. Don’t even put yourself in a time frame based on someone else’s experiences. Be yourself. Be honest. Venture out and you’ll find a treasure trove of satisfaction that you may have previously thought only existed at a car dealership.

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